Pet of the Month - Rosie

Rosie was a lovely 6-year-old Labradoodle who sadly passed away earlier this month.

Rosie had a rare condition of non-regenerative anaemia. Everyday Rosie came into see us at James Horner Vets and even had a blood transfusion to help treat her.

Sadly, beautiful Rosie became very unwell and lost her battle. We are privileged to hear from Rosie’s owners how she was at home and what she loved doing.

Rosie was a lovely girl and will always be remembered by us all at James Horner Vets.

1. What was Rosie’s favourite thing to do at home?

Rosie loved going on walks, unfortunately when she became unwell, she wasn’t able to go out on walks, which she wasn’t happy about but she still made us smile.

Rosie also loved to go swimming; it could be anywhere she loved water especially at Bournemouth Beach.

2. Did Rosie’s illness change her personality?

Rosie became tired and had no energy, I knew she was ill and she wasn’t right. That’s when I went straight to the team at James Horner Vets

3. How did you adapt to Rosie’s condition?

We did all we could for her, and our lives revolved around Rosie we wouldn’t have changed anything, whatever she needed she would get. She was never left alone. The team at James Horner Vets have supported us all the way through and we’ve all done the best we can.

4. What do you enjoy most about Rosie?

Everything her personality, she was very much a people’s dog she thrives of human loving. She was so chilled she never caused any trouble. In the house she would always know her spot. We just loved her.

5. What advice would you give to others?

The only one-piece of advice I would give to anyone whose pet is unwell, is to see everyone at James Horner Vets. I cannot thank them enough for all they have done.