Pet of the Month! Harley!

Harley is a beautiful 6 year old cocker spaniel who first came to us at the start of July with a suspected ear infection.

Harley has a history of ear problems but is prone to running through grass so when her owner noticed she was starting to shake her head she knew that she should get Harley checked over.

Harley came back to us the day after her initial vet consultation to be put under a general anesthetic (due to her wriggly nature!) and assessed fully. It turned out Harley actually had a grass seed in her left ear. Grass seeds may seem harmless but in the wrong place or left untreated they can cause trouble for your beloved pet. Grass seeds often cause problems in the ears, between toes, behind eyelids & sometimes, under the skin and around the body.

It’s important to remove grass seeds quickly, because their pointy shape enables them to pierce through skin, enter the body and travel around causing problems such as infections and abscesses.

We asked Harley’s owner a few questions about what Harley is like and how their experience was.

1.      What is Harley's favourite thing to do?  

Harleys favourite thing is chasing balls (as demonstrated in the photo!).

2.    What do you enjoy about Harley?

I love Harley so much especially how she always rolls over for a belly rub with her tail wagging really quickly every time we walk past her when she's lying on the sofa.

3.     What changes did you notice in Harley that prompted you to get her seen by a vet?

A few days after a walk Harley started shaking her head. I checked and her ear was waxy so I cleaned it for a few days, but it got no better.

4.     Did you research her symptoms?

I didn't research it as she has had a dirty ear in the past so I assumed it was that.

5. What advice would you give to others in a similar situation?

I would advise other owners not to assume anything and make an appointment to see the vet at the onset of any symptoms, as my cleaning the ear caused the grass seed to move further into her ear and she needed an operation to have it removed.

6. Did the Wellness Subscription Plan help you?

Harley is on the silver wellness subscription plan which saved us money off the operation and she also got her wormer for half price. It's good to know we are going to saving money while Harley is on the plan.