5 minutes with Kat

This month we put your questions to vet Kat!

What made you want to go into veterinary?

I was one of those young kids that wanted to be a vet and I never grew out of it!!

What is the most complicated surgery you have done?

Probably a surgery with multiple enterotomies and an enterectomy due to a linear foreign body (does that sound complicated enough?!)

Do you have a favourite dog and cat breed?

Ooh am I allowed to have favourites? I don’t think I do really. They are all fab!

Have you ever worked with any exotic animals?

Not much exotic work really but I did used to be an equine vet prior to moving to small animals.

If you were not a vet what do you think you’d be?

No idea! A doctor? Though I do quite like interior design…

What do you like to do to relax?

Spending time with my family and dog Teddy (though you could say looking after 2 young children isn’t that relaxing!)