July 2024 Clinic Update

A BIG Thank You for Your Reviews….

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has left a review for us via VetHelpDirect!

We were thrilled to be shortlisted for the 'Best UK Vets 2024' award.

As an independent practice reviews are extremely important to us. We read each & every one of them. We love the kind reviews and use all feed-back to help improve our services.

Student nurse Sarah’s London adventure…..

Sarah attended the Royal College of Surgeons of England in London on 14th June to take part in a workshop ‘RCVS Guidelines to support neurodivgent students on veterinary placements’.

Sarah’s college assessed her for dyspraxia due to difficulties she faced during her nursing exams. The assessment found her difficulties were more to do with ADHD memory.

The Royal College were aware of the lack of support with the examination board and so Sarah was invited to go to London to share her experiences and views on how the Royal College can improve ways of supporting students with neurodivergent difficulties.

After finishing the workshop, to treat herself, Sarah took a trip to visit ‘The Savoy’. This was a huge highlight for her!

Did You Know We’re Social?!

We use social media to spread share information and of course post cute photos and videos of our patients!

You can follow us here:

Spending 5 Minutes with Kat!

Following on from Louise last month, we sat down with Vet Kat to ask her some questions! You can read her Q&A here…

Do you have a question you would like to ask our student nurse Sarah?

As a new feature to our monthly newsletter we will be ‘spending 5 minutes’ with a different member of the practice team each month.

Last month we sat down with Kat and next month we will continue with Student nurse Sarah so if you have a question you’d like to ask or just something about Sarah that you’d like to know (perhaps if she has any hobbies or what made her want to join the veterinary industry) please send us an email to reception@hornervets.com or send a message/comment via our Facebook page by Friday 19th July.

As a disclaimer this feature is meant to be light-hearted; informal chat so you can get to know the team a little better and is not to be used for answering medical queries and/or giving any medical advice.

July Holidays!

Leigh Gray-Goodwin

2nd, 26th and 29th July

Freya Seymour

5th July

Megan Shaw

8th - 13th July

Louise Ryan

10th and 11th - CPD

12th July

James Horner

10th and 11th July - CPD

19th and 22nd July

Sarah Green

19th and 22nd July

Kat Hull

23rd and 24th July

Chloe Dresser

29th July