5 minutes with Louise

This month we put your questions to Front of House Team Leader Louise!

Have you always worked in a vets?

No; I’ve only worked in the vet industry for the last 20 months. Before that I worked for a large car leasing company for over 18 years and also did some security work at Birmingham airport controlling the perimeters and security checking staff/airline crew/pilots etc.

Which is your favourite breed of dog? Has it changed over your training?

I’ve always loved French Bulldogs and that was the breed I always said I’d have if I ever owned a dog myself but since working at JHV I’ll admit when you see some of the issues the breed has it does make me a bit more wary. For larger breeds I love German Shepherds and Labradors.

What would your ideal job be if you were not working at James Horner vets?

I’ve always loved animals; especially cats; so I would have loved to be able to work with big cats at a wildlife park/safari. Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to have several face-to-face encounters with tigers (cubs and adult), snow leopards (which are my absolute favourite animal!), cheetahs, white lion cubs and servals and even after being sprayed on by a serval it hasn’t put me off!

Either that or working as an event organiser. When I was younger people always used to come to me to help with booking them tickets for things and I’m often giving holiday (mainly Disney related) advice!

When did your love of Disney start?

I couldn’t really tell you; I’ve got pics of me when I was young wearing Disney clothes and I always enjoyed watching cartoons and films but I suppose I got the real ‘Disney bug’ after visiting Disneyworld for the first time in 2005. Although I’d been to Disneyland Paris before that actually experiencing Orlando was something else and I’ll be going back for my 10th visit later this year. I’ve also caught the Disney cruise bug and have been on 3 so far with a 4th one planned.

If you could visit any country in the world where would you go and why?

Either Italy for the food as I really like pizza or somewhere tropical like the Maldives for the beach as it would be very relaxing.

If money was no object where would you like to visit and why?

Probably not that surprising to those who know me but I’d like to visit the other Disney parks around the world that I haven’t been to like Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong! I watch a lot of Vlogs online and seeing different rides/attractions and characters makes me pretty excited as they all offer something unique.

Non Disney related then I would say Hawaii…..not 100% sure why as I’m really not a beach person but it just looks pretty spectacular.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Spending time with my family/cats is very important to me but I also like to go to cat cafes, travel and reading. I like a bit of reality TV and a couple of soaps too but I’m usually too tired during the week to concentrate on telly.