Have you Booked Your Annual Health Plan?

We love seeing how many of you like to keep a close eye on your pet’s health with regular check ups and over 250 of you are on either our Silver or Gold Subscription.

Many of you are using the benefits of your Silver & Gold Plans, using services such as the free veterinary consultations, the nurse clinics for your pet’s development, or just using the discounts of products and food… but what is less used is the Annual Health Plan. We have everything you need to know about them below:

What is the Annual Health Plan?

The AHP is where a Vet (Gold clients) or Nurse (Silver Clients) reviews your pet’s history for the year and with this information, plans out the care your pet is likely to need in the next year. 

How does it benefit you?

  • Planning

    o   A trip to the vet rarely comes at a convenient time. Saturdays are our most popular day for consults, but they fill up quickly!  With sufficient planning you can schedule your health checks when it suits you and not be limited by diary availability.

  • Medication

    o   For the rules of “Under our care”, as Vets we need to maintain a constant awareness of your pet’s health.  For certain continuous conditions, the diagnosis remains the same and we would need regular planning sessions on how to manage the case. For those of you with pets with skin diseases this is a very familiar topic of discussion!

  • Reminders

    o   A lot can happen in a year, or more. Our lives have a lot that goes on, an annual review and assessment of past conditions will help keep all of us on the same page.  A fracture when young will lead to arthritis when older.  Sometimes an event like that can be missed if your vet changes.

  • Awareness of breed related risks

    o   Some breeds are well known for certain conditions and not everyone knows these illnesses, nor what to look out for. Maine coon cats and heart disease, Spaniels and immune mediated anaemia are two examples of uncommon but known associations.  At the planning meeting we discuss the risks, and what we can do to monitor these issues.

  • Knowing what else we can offer

    o   Sometimes it is as simple as demonstrating what our team can offer.  Beyond the A&E nature of our work, socialisation clinics, puppy and kitten development programs, weight loss camps, arthritis and pain clinics are all part of the day job and can really benefit your pet if you know about them, and plan for them!

The first session may take an hour, the rest may be shorter, or longer, depending on the conditions we discuss. 

What to do now?

Book your AHP in! You can do this by: