Pet of the Month! Shadow!

Shadow is a 10-year-old Boxador, Labrador cross Boxer.

She has recently been seeing us regularly as she had an eye ulcer in her right eye that wasn’t responding to routine treatment. Shadow’s eye ulcer was treated topically first. After several weeks of treatment, Shadow’s eye wasn’t responding as well to the treatment as expected. As a result, Shadow had to have an operation known as a Grid-Keratectomy.  

A Grid-Keratectomy is needed when the eye ulcer is complicated by a cornea that is not healing appropriately. Under an anaesthetic the surgeon removed the damaged top layer of the cornea. With this diseased layer of the corneal ulcer being removed, the ulcer generally heals quickly.

1.      What is Shadows favourite thing to do?

Shadow loves to sleep on the sofa, she is so lazy once she is on the sofa there is no moving her. Another thing she likes to do is destroy tennis balls into tiny pieces, then she will walk away as if she didn’t do anything. 

2.      Has Shadows diagnosis changed her personality?

Shadow was very quiet and didn’t seem herself, almost as if she didn’t want to be with any company. It is only now that I realised how unwell she was. She likes to jump around and acts as if she is still a puppy, when she is an ‘old lady’ and when she was poorly, she wasn’t doing this.

3.      How have you adapted to Shadows diagnosis?

I found it difficult and stressful, being a human nurse myself and working shifts I had to make sure that Shadow was getting her eye drops when needed and if I wasn’t there, I then had to ensure someone could apply the drops and check on her for me. I genuinely thought she was going to lose her eye, and this was an awful feeling, I didn’t expect the whole journey of her illness to be as stressful as it was. The process of Shadow’s recovery was very time consuming, but I know it had to be done to so that she could get back to her old self and having a toddler trying to keep her away from Shadow as she was getting a bit annoyed was difficult. But thank goodness we got through it!

4.     Did Shadow’s illness change your daily routine?

Yes, it changed the routine completely especially with trying to balance work, children, and shadow as I had to make sure shadow was being looked after when I was at work. The biggest worry I had was to make sure her eye drops were given at certain times and that she wasn’t scratching at her eye and making it worse.

5.     How did you know Shadow had this condition?

When I come in from work usually shadow is happy to see me, she will wag her tail and jump around, but she stopped doing this and that’s when I realised something was up. I noticed her eye was red and looked injured she was very withdrawn from me which rung alarm bells she was just not herself. She was walking around slowly and genuinely looked in pain, she is usually an active dog. This is when I knew I had to get her checked by the vet.

6. Where did you find further information about Shadows condition?

I followed James’ advice throughout the treatment as I knew Shadow was in great hands from all at James Horner Vets. After James diagnosed her, I did research her condition just so I was able to have a better understanding of what it meant.

7. What advice would you give to others?

To stay positive, give them lots and lots of love. Also, to keep on top of any treatment plans provided by the vets as this is what helps them in recovery. I didn’t realise how bad she was until I saw James, who clarified everything for me.