Featured Pet: Cedric

Who is Cedric?

Cedric is a beautiful 8-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, he sees us frequently for his heart problems.

We wanted Cedric to be our Featured Pet of this Month as he is a popular and regular client of ours. We spoke to Cedric’s owner to find out more about what he is like at home.

1.   What is Cedric’s favourite thing to do?

Cedric loves giving cuddles to everyone, and he does give the best cuddles ever. He really does just love people!

Cedric’s favourite toy, that he loves to play with and cuddle is his giraffe.

 2.   Has Cedric’s diagnosis changed his personality?

No, it hasn’t changed his personality, he is more active on medication - the only difference would be is that he has to go out for a wee a lot more frequently!

 3.   How have you adapted to Cedric’s condition?

As a family we have had to adapt quite quickly as what we do impacts on Cedric’s life, so we have to be strict with him especially in relation to medication. We have to make sure Cedric doesn’t get too excited and playful as this can impact his heart and cause him to collapse. Cedric has to attend regular check ups with James and the team and we have to make sure the medications he is on are working how they should be.

A good thing that helps a lot with living with Cedric’s condition is a ‘Whatsapp family group’ as this way we can all communicate with each other, and everybody knows the plan for the day with him. I did think at first that it would be horrendous being so organised, but it isn’t we have better control.

 4.   How did you know Cedric had this condition?

He had a heart murmur (irregular heart beat) at the age of 4, from that point we have always been weary. Then my daughter started working in a veterinary practice, and she was keen to get his heart checked. Prior to this we started noticing Cedric was becoming breathless and began coughing a lot more than usual. He was showing obvious signs that something was wrong, at this point we took him straight to the vets.

 5.   What advice would you give to others whose dog/cat may be suffering with the same condition as Cedric?

The best advice I could give to other owners who may be going through the same as what we are with Cedric, is to get booked in with the vet and opt for further investigations if worried. Also make sure you are clear on what needs to be done such as medication dosages and times as this is important. James and his team gave us a lot of information, which made us feel reassured especially about the different medication Cedric is on.

6. What do you enjoy the most about Cedric?

The best thing I love about Cedric is he gives the best cuddles no matter how he is feeling, he is so loyal and loving. He really is a sweet-natured and soft boy. He also loves to stick his tongue out, which makes us laugh all the time.