March Clinic Update: In Practice Blood Testing Now Available, Community Hub Coming & Great Reviews!

A humbling start - On Track to Win a VetHelpDirect Award!

We are humbled by the great reviews being left by so many people! The nature of veterinary work can be tough and reading the positive and kind words really act as a tonic on the challenging days. Additionally, it looks like we are on track to win an award at the VetHelpDirect conference because of all the reviews. Fingers crossed all goes in our favour!


Good Dog Community Hub

James Horner Vets are joining a Community Hub of credible experts in dog health. We are honoured to have been asked by Many Rigby (a very well-known Qualified Canine Behaviourist and Accredited Dog Trainer in the area) to join the community hub to help guide careful owners to relevant experts. Mandy vets (no pun intended!) all members before asking for them to join so that everyone on the hub shares similar values and ethics, always putting your pet at the heart of our advice and services.

The Hub will allow us to share our experience and offer referrals to each other on topics that may suit differing expertise.

The site is under production so watch this space and we will let you know when it is up and running and ready for a visit!


New Blood Testing Machines!

New equipment is always very exciting, especially as it gives us a new level of capability in the practice!

Blood samples and assessments are central to understanding the inner-working of our pets. When our pets are unwell we often want to make sure the illness doesn’t extend to vital organs, or if it does, we want to know quickly so we can treat and react effectively to increase the chances of good outcomes.

With our machines on site, we can now assess the health of pets we need to hospitalise within hours, whilst also check organ health before all surgeries to make sure our pets are as safe as we can make them before any procedure. Read more about blood tests here.

Holidays and time off!

As we move out of the Winter months holidays are back on the agenda. We encourage holidays as much as possible to help keep everyone fresh and at the best to help treat and care for our get patients and clients!

Catalin is off from the 14th until the 22nd March. We are having Peter Robinson back to help cover the week.

Sophie Langley, who joined us in January, is having a week off from the 7th March and the rest of the clinical team will fill in her roles whilst she is away.

James has a single day off at the end of March on the 28th.

Living with COVID-19

The rules are being relaxed in England and we are trying to keep abreast with the speed of changes!

In the practice we will no longer insist our team members wear masks in consultations, however, should you be more comfortable with us wearing masks then please let us know and we will be sure to put one on.

In consultations we will limit the number of people within our rooms to 3. This may include 1 vet, 1 nurse and 1 owner.

We will continue to wash our hands as this is part or our normal disease protection for our patients, not just for COVID!

Should any of our team test positive for COVID we will still be expecting them to self isolate for 5 days and produce a negative test before returning to work.

Should you test positive for COVID, or demonstrate symptoms, please let us know and help keep all of us safe. If you pet needs to be seen we can adapt so as not to risk infecting any other people whilst also making sure your pet is cared for as best we can.

It has been a confusing time and it may still remain such in the short term. Please bear with us whilst we adapt to new ways of working!