February Clinic Update: Goals & Reviews

A Goal-Setting start to the year!

This last month we have been very busy seeing and helping all our great clients. A big activity we take a whole day over is setting our goals for the coming 12 months, both personal and for the practice.

This year some of our big business objectives include:

  • Have our community be the best informed pet owners in Sheldon

  • Become the most trusted and respected vet practice in Sheldon

  • Become a member of the Royal Collage of Veterinary Surgeons’ Practice Standards Scheme

Beyond setting the business goals we know that there is more to our lives than working, and so we have set our own objectives. We have them all pinned up in the Staff room, so why not ask the team what else we are working on beyond the practice?

Google Reviews - Let’s hit 100!

We are thrilled with the reception we have had since opening. As for any new practice, the internet has become the most common location for people to find us, and Google is the biggest site for searching (other search engines are available…!!) With the way all internet searches work, the more reviews, the more likely we will be brought to the attention of everyone. If you could spend 30 seconds to leave a review then we would genuinely really appreciate it.


A New Month, and NO new team member!

It has been a rapid growth from our opening and this is one of the few updates we are not introducing a new team member! Our website will soon be updated with the whole team so keep your eyes peeled for the biographies of everyone.

COVID-19 Update

It has dominated our lives for what seems an age, but the latest COVID-19 guidelines have been a significant step down in requirements. We encourage everyone to follow the government guidelines and for our clients to exercise their judgement in wearing a facemask.

In the practice, we will all continue to wear facemasks as our standard setting. We will continue to clean down regularly to also minimise the risk of spreading any diseases.

If you do have a positive test for COVID-19 then please may we ask you to let us know and we will try to accommodate your consultation accordingly. This may involve meeting outside in the carpark!

We really want to keep having our clients in consultations with us so please help keep everyone safe.

Clinic UpdateJames Horner