Featured Pet: Stan

Who is Stan?

Stan is a beautiful 13 year old Whippet, who recently came into see us to have a rally big lump removed from his back leg.

After successfully removing these lumps, Stan’s owners sensibly had them tested in a lab to see what was causing the growth. Sadly it was found the lump was a nasty type of cancer.

We chose Stan to be our Featured Pet this Month as he has been a great patient and has regularly been coming to the practice for his post op checks especially after such a big procedure. We wanted Stan’s’ owners to give us a personal incite on Stan’s character and how the surgery had impacted them.  

1.   What is Stan’s’ favourite thing to do?

Stan loves to curl up and lie in his bed, after a busy day chasing squirrels and magpies! [James’ comment “Obviously not when he was recovering following his surgery!!”)

 2.   Has Stan’s diagnosis changed his personality?

No Stan’s personality hasn’t changed. Stan recovered well after his surgery and went back to his normal self the day after.

 3.   How have you adapted to Stan’s’ diagnosis?

We weren’t going to bring Stan to the vets at first as we thought it was just a fatty lump, so we were going to leave it. Since finding out the news of it being cancer, we are glad we made the decision to bring Stan to the vets when we did. We haven’t had to adapt to Stan’s’ diagnosis as such, as he isn’t in the need now for medication or further treatment.

 4.   Has Stan changed your daily routine?

No, he hasn’t changed our daily routine, he still does the same things that include going out for walks, chasing squirrels and magpies and sleeping curled up.

 5.   How do you feel about Stan’s diagnosis?

It is upsetting, but the personal touch from all of you at James Horner Vets has made it easier to deal with. It was a pleasure to come to the vets, the level of care Stan received was amazing.

I hope you enjoyed the cake. [James’ comment “Katrina and Freya kept this very quiet! They tell me the cakes were lovely!”]


 We wish Stan the best of recoveries and look forward to seeing him in the practice soon.