Clinic Update: 1,000 Registered Pets, Holidays & Team Updates

1000 Registered Pets!

It is incredibly exciting how well received we have been as a new, independent veterinary practice. We reached our 1,000 pet registration this month which is a huge milestone! Many of our pet registrations come from recommendations from you to your friends and so we cannot thank you enough! Remember you can get £10 off each for you and a friend by referring them.

We Have Another New Team Member!
As a new practice in the area we are amazed at how well you are all supporting us. In order to ensure we can provide the best care for your pets, we are delighted to announce we have Katrina joining us as a Veterinary Care Assistant. Her role will be supporting behind the scenes and you will probably speak to her over the phone, or see her when she helps out the team around the building.

We say goodbye to a great team-member

It is with sadness that we are saying goodbye to Fi. Fi has been a key member of the team since our inception and with her hard work and dedication we have gone from strength to strength. Fi’s biggest successes have been with our New-Puppy and Kitten programs of socialisation, along with helping several pets lose weight. Fi will be missed but we will all look to support her clients and build upon the successes she leaves behind.


This December, at the time of writing, James is finally able to have his honeymoon! The COVID restrictions have pushed this back and the dates are now from the 3rd December until the 16th December. The team and practice will still be on hand to help you care for your pet and address any concerns. Catalin will be leading the veterinary care with help from another colleague, Peter Robinson.

We are looking for a full time Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN)

As we continue to get busier we are looking for a new RVN to join us. If you know any who may want to be a part of our team then let them know and let us know!

Waiting Room Numbers and COVID-19

We are pleased we can welcome owners into the building and consult rooms with their pets. As we enter winter, we are mindful that government guidelines may revert to minimising human numbers in closed spaces. In anticipation of this, we ask that no more than two people (children or adults) accompany any pet to the practice. We thank you for your understanding!

Clinic UpdateJames Horner