Featured Pet: Toby

We chose handsome boy Toby to be Our Featured Pet of this Month. Toby suffers with arthritis which impacted on how he was at home. We wanted to ask Toby’s owners some questions to see how Toby is improving after starting the journey for treatment.

1. What is Toby’s favourite thing to do at home?

Toby now loves to go out in the garden and explore, which before his treatment he was reluctant to do. This was because he was in pain and uncomfortable.

2. Has Toby’s diagnosis changed her personality?

He is more active and comfortable; he isn’t as hunched on his back anymore which he used to be. He likes to sunbathe in the garden, which in hindsight helps his joints. Another thing we’ve noticed since using the Solensia treatment he is more willing to be handled and stroked rather than shying away from us. He is sitting more like a ‘cat’. We live at a 3 storey-house and Toby never used to like going up to the top of the house, now he has started to venture upstairs, this is so lovely to see. Another major change since toby has been having treatment is that he is now able and wanting to play more with our other cat Holly.

3. How have you adapted to Toby’s diagnosis?

If we see that Toby is uncomfortable, we feel we are more aware and know when he is in pain and can deal with it straight away. Because he was so poorly before starting his treatment, we managed to notice the signs and symptoms of anything abnormal.

4. What do you enjoy about Toby?

He is so cute, the sweetest little soul. I have had lots of cats over the years and as far as male cats go Toby is the most gentlest.

5. How did you know Toby was suffering from this condition?

It happened to be the nurse Sophie who picked up on it, as Toby was in the vets for an annual health check. Sophie had asked me if Toby had ever suffered with arthritis as he looked as if he was struggling to sit down properly. As I got talking to Sophie, we noticed that Toby would put his 2 front limbs out and his bum would be down. After observing him regularly at home it seemed painful for him. Once talking to James, he advised to use something called Solensia which helps arthritis in cats and therefore we wanted to give it a try and make my boy happier and more comfortable.

6. Would you recommend the Wellness Subscription Plan to others?

Yes, I would recommend the wellness subscription plan, especially to those who have elderly pets that may have health problems as it saves you money. As soon as I knew Toby needed regular treatment, I chose to sign up to the Gold plan straight away as financially it made a difference to us.