Pet of the Month! Faith!

Faith is a beautiful domestic short hair cat, who is currently our oldest patient at 23 years old!

Faith originally came into us as an emergency when her owner noticed something had fallen out of her eye – this was in fact her lens.

This occurred due to what is known as a melting ulcer which causes the eye to rupture, the decision was made to remove her eye. Despite Faith’s age she did incredibly well under the general anaesthetics and recovered brilliantly!

We asked Faith’s owner a few questions about what Faith is like and how their experience with her condition.

1.      What do you enjoy about Faith?

Faith has a lovely temperament; she has always been good around new people and children. Nothing seems to phase her - she is such a laid back and placid cat.

2.     Have you noticed any changes in Faith since having the surgery?

Since Faith originally went blind, she changed almost straight away, it was only after the operation I noticed a significant improvement in her, she stays awake for much longer and she is a lot more active. She is certainly more comfortable and happier.

3.     Did you look further into the procedure/aftercare online?

I did have a look, but it was more looking into the ulcer on her other eye which fortunately James has managed to resolve.

4.     What advice would you give to others?

I’d say if you are in any doubt then you are best to get your pet checked out. Faith seems so much better since having the procedure and it is nice to know that she is happy and comfortable.

Concerned about something with your cat or dog?