Pet of the Month! Loki!

Loki is a nearly 10 year old Golden Retriever who was treated recently for Mass Cell Tumors (MCTs).

Mast cell tumours (MCTs) are one of the most common types of skin cancers in dogs. 

The prognosis for dogs with mast cell tumours varies widely. Low-grade tumours that are detected early and surgically removed often have a good prognosis, with many dogs going on to live normal, healthy lives. High-grade tumours or those that have spread present more of a challenge and may require ongoing treatment to manage the disease.

Early detection and treatment are crucial in managing mast cell tumours in dogs. Regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring for any unusual lumps or symptoms can help ensure timely intervention. If you suspect your dog may have a mast cell tumour, consult your veterinarian promptly to discuss the best course of action for your furry friend.

We asked Loki’s owners a few questions about him!

1.    What is Loki's favourite thing to do?

Loki loves cuddling and grooming his toys (his babies) and attention seeking from anyone who will stroke him in the park. He also loves playing with his best buddy Chester (our other golden retriever). 

2.    What do you enjoy the most about Loki?

Loki is a big cuddle monster! 

3.     How did you first notice that Loki was unwell?

I noticed some lumps on Loki's skin that had appeared fairly quickly. Initially they didn't look like anything to worry about but I got them checked for peace of mind. When we found out they were mast cell tumours we opted to have them all removed despite him being a slightly older boy as they are a type of skin cancer and can be aggressive.

4. Have you looked further into his diagnosis?

We had his lumps analysed at the lab and luckily they came back low grade. This means they are unlikely to spread to his organs, but he may get more on his skin. We feel very lucky as there are far more aggressive types he could have had. 

5. What advice would you give to others?

If you notice any little lump, even if it looks like nothing, please get it checked with a vet. Make sure you stroke/feel all over your pet on a regular basis to feel for lumps, especially if they are fluffy like Loki as they can be hidden until they become larger and harder to remove. 

6. How has the Gold Wellness Subscription helped you?
Gold has been great as Loki can visit the vet for check ups whenever needed without the financial worry. This is great for peace of mind as I have already brought him back for a new lump to be checked, luckily it was just a wart. Loki also suffers from arthritis being an older man now so regular check ups and discounts on his medications are also hugely beneficial.