Pet of the Month! Toullah!

Toullah is a 2 year 9 month old Bull Terrier and has been a regular visitor with us for a variety of conditions including strains and sprains to skin allergies.  Although a young dog, Toullah has recently been in for removal of a lump on her foot.  In young dogs, the most common lump is a histiocytomaHiostiocytomas are collections of abnormal white-blood cells in the skin and can be itchy, ulcerate and get infected.

Whilst 80% of these can resolve with non-surgical treatment, Toullah’s has had to be removed.  We have also had to remove her dew claw because of the interference it would give when healing.

Despite her regular visits for surgeries, blood samples, and examinations, Toullah is always pleased to see us! She knows her way around the practice, as if it is her second home, getting affection from all her admirers!   Because of this we nominated her as Pet of the Month.

We asked Toullah’s owners a few questions about her!

1.    What is Toullah’s favourite thing to do at home?

Toullah’s favourite thing to do at home is cuddling and sleeping! She also loves to play with her pal TJ and her toys.  She loves us singing “ isn’t she lovely “ and “ that’s just my baby dawg” to her too!

2.    What do you enjoy the most about Toullah?

We love Toullah's nature she is so loving, sweet and friendly. Always happy and wagging her tail! She’s a great ambassador for the breed because of her character. Lots of people don’t like English bull terriers or they’re scared of them when actually they are mostly sweet natured and I have to add, slightly nuts breed!  We especially love her heart shaped nose!

3.     Does Toullah have any nicknames?

Toullah is often called, woowoo, baby girl, and our little heartmender 💖 because she helped our hearts after we lost our bull terrier mix Basher at 14 and border terrier Minnie at nearly 18 within 5 months of each other. X We also use  Toullah woolah for her!

4. How did you first notice that Toullah was unwell?

It was when we were stroking Toullah we noticed a little lump appeared on her paw just below her dew claw. It grew really quickly so we brought her in to see James. We monitored it for a few weeks put isaderm cream on it but it continued to grow. It was a histiocytoma. Removing it was the best option as it became irritating to Toullah. Her dew claw rubbed on it during healing so that was difficult and sore for her but she tolerated it being dressed and checked really well. When the lump came back after a few months, we knew to come straight the vets.  We did the same monitoring but this time it grew quicker and bigger than before so  off it had to come, we also decided to remove her dew claw to help it to heal quicker and not be so painful for her.

5. Did you look further into her condition or symptoms online?

I didn’t look it up the first time she had it but when it recurred I did. However James would answer all my questions and worries about what was happening.

6. What advice would you give to others?
I’d say check your dog regularly during normal cuddling time and get things looked at sooner rather than later. If you’re ever concerned go to see your vet. Make sure you have a good vet that you trust implicitly!

7. How has the Gold Wellness Subscription helped you?

The gold wellness subscription has been an absolute godsend with Toullah. She’s had many different things wrong including allergies, lameness, anal glands, hips, and more. We have been able to get Toullah seen as soon as we’ve noticed anything and the gold plan means we’re covered for that. Her medication is discounted too as well as other benefits. We have had times where she has been in nearly every week so that would have cost a lot more money having if we had to pay every time! The gold plan has unlimited vet visits and has been wonderful giving us great peace of mind in being able to care for Toullah properly. Our other dog TJ is on it too, it’s been great for us!