Pet of the Month! Beebo!

Beebo is a 6 year old cat who suffers from recurrent cystits. This means that he frequently gets bouts of blood in his urine that is enormously painful. Lots of investigations have been undertaken on Beebo and on an ultrasound scan unusual kidney shapes were identified and are now undergoing further investigations.

1. What is Beebo’s favourite thing to do at home?

Beebo has a very particular routine! His favourite things include sunbathing, catching mice or birds and basically anything that moves! Despite his cystits, he is still doing his routine patrols morning, afternoon and evening.

2. Has Beebo’s diagnosis changed his personality?

Beebo is still the affectionate cat we all fell in love with.  Beebo has always suffered with passing urine, when he was three years old, he had his first episode of cystitis. Beebo usually goes outside to the toilet, and he started passing urine in the house which was unusual. He was passing little amounts more frequently and had a blood tinge colour.   The second episode was mainly blood which is when we have been investigating Beebo more thoroughly.

Beebo came in for an ultrasound and x-rays, and we have identified unusual kidneys.  This could be polycystic kidney disease so we are waiting on some further test results at this point.

3. How have you adapted to Beebo’s diagnosis?

Nothing has changed regarding his routine I am just more worried about Beebo’s health, and I will be keeping a closer eye on his toilet habits.

The changes that I will have to make will be having an ultrasound once a year to checking the size of the kidneys, I will also have to check his urine quarterly, or sooner if I see any signs of cystitis. Depending on the blood results I might have to change his diet to a prescription renal food to help his kidneys.

4. What do you enjoy most about Beebo?

Beebo is character.  Sometimes he can be a stubbon…cat, but he is also the most loving and cuddle cat on his terms! We are absolute best friends!

5. What advice would you give anyone else who may have a cat with Beebo’s condition?

It is important to monitor your cat’s urination and watch for any changes in behaviour. If you are concerned in any way then take them to a vet to be checked over straight away. Also, if your cat does need a special diet and they go outside, it is important to have a collar tag to say “Do not to feed” as I am not sure if my neighbours feed Beebo!