August Clinic Update: New Vets, holidays and blood samples!

Welcoming Our New Vets: Hollie and Michelle!

For those of you who have been to the practice in the last month you will have potentially already met Michelle and Hollie. Both are experienced and offer a fantastic level of knowledge and care. We couldn’t be happier with them joining the team.

With a bigger team we are having a more structured rota. All the vets will be working 8 hour days split into early and late shifts. We are continuing to offer our consultations from 09:00 until 18:00 and accommodating emergencies appointment throughout the day. If you want to be seen by a certain vet, ask the team when you book and they will help find you a suitable appointment.

Notable changes are around operations and Thursdays. We will be continuing to offer surgeries every day with a dedicated “Operations and Procedures” vet for those on that day. This means that, if you request a certain vet to carry out a specific procedure, now you may have to be flexible on the day available to you.

On Thursdays, James will be focusing on administration of the business. Hollie and Michelle are holding the fort with the rest of the team so there will be no break in the service and care available.




Blood tests

Our pet of the month, Rosie, has been undergoing lots of blood tests.

Blood tests are a key tool in helping us understand the inner functions of the body but can be complicated, or worrying for owners to understand.

Read our detailed article on blood tests from earlier on in the year.


Heat Stroke in Dogs

This is another repeat but we cannot overstate the importance of caring for all pets in heat so please read our advice on heat stroke in dogs from 2 months ago. Read the key points below:

  • Dogs are seen more commonly for heat stroke than cats, but both can be affected

  • Heat Stoke occurs when the bodies ability to cool is overwhelmed by heat

  • Heat Stroke is very dangerous and can lead to death

  • Never leave a dog in a car on a warm day

  • Seek out ways to cool your pet if they appear too hot


August Holidays!

Bank Holiday 29th August

We are closed on this day.

Willows Veterinary Centre is supporting any urgent care you will need, but otherwise we are open as normal on the 30th.


12th to15th August


13th to 28th August, cover by James and Hollie. Peter Robinson is supporting on the 15th August.


22nd August until 30th August