Pet of the Month! Paddy!

Paddy is a handsome 1 year old cat. He recently had an accident at home he broke his thigh bone. Paddy was in a lot of pain and needed urgent surgery to rectify the problem. A specialist surgeon came at quick request to pin and plate Paddy’s leg so we could save it for him. Paddy is doing really well on recovery, and still remains a happy, chirpy boy. He has been coming in regularly to see us to ensure he is doing well post-surgery.

Before Surgery:

After Surgery:

1.     What is Paddy’s favourite thing to do at home?

Paddy loves to jump around and play with his cat family. I have his mom, dad, and brother they all love playing together.

2.     Has Paddy’s incident affected his personality?

No, Paddy’s personality hasn’t changed, he has coped really well with everything that has happened to him.


3.     Has Paddy changed your routine?

I have had no choice really as I’ve had to change my routine for Paddy as he comes first. Because I run a beauty salon from home, it makes it slightly easier, but I am unable to just get on with my appointments as I have to check on Paddy a lot more throughout the day and throughout my work appointments.


4.     What do you enjoy the most about Paddy?

He is such a loving boy even though he has been through so much, he just has a lot of love to give. He also has a lot of character.


5.     How did you know about Paddy’s condition?

Because I see Paddy all the time throughout the day, usually I do my rounds and make sure all cats are ok. But I was unable to find Paddy, which was unusual, but then eventually when I did find him, he was hiding and wouldn’t come to me when he usually does, he just didn’t seem right. Eventually when I managed to get him out from his hiding spot, he was walking weirdly, at this point I knew something had happened.

Another thing which I noticed, because of having Paddy’s mom, dad, and brother as well, Paddy’s mom was also acting strange on the morning of when we saw Paddy was injured, she kept scratching at our bedroom door, and she has never done that before. It almost seemed as a ‘mother’s instinct’ kicked in.


6.     What advice would you give to others going through the same situation?

I would tell people to go straight to James Horner Vets and get them sorted!!!

Pet of the MonthJames Horner