5 minutes with Sophie Dobrev

This month we put your questions to Head Nurse Sophie D!

If you were not a veterinary nurse what would you like to do?

I originally trained in Zoology but would have liked to have gone into some type of conservation work. This would have meant moving to a different country as there is a lack of jobs in the UK but because of family (mainly my husband!) I stayed in the UK and got into veterinary nursing.

What do you enjoy the most outside of work?

I enjoy going horse-riding and also on big hikes to look at rocks. That may sound a bit strange but I studied A level Geology so have always had an interest in rocks. I visited some old rock houses that were fascinating. I also like scuba diving although I haven’t been for a while.

How long did it take you to become a registered nurse?

The veterinary nursing course is a 3 year one. I passed all of the modules/exams first time so it took 3 years. Before becoming a student veterinary nurse I also did 3 years as a veterinary care assistant (VCA).

What are your favourite dog and cat breeds?

Dogs would have to be golden retrievers as I own two of my own (Chester & Loki). I don’t have a particular favourite cat breed but I do like anything fluffy so the long haired ones!

What do you find the most rewarding about working with animals?

Seeing the long term poorly pets that may have been hospitalised or needed intensive nurse care get better. I also like seeing the support we give to owners pay off. We see a fair few owners that may never have had a pet before or just need some support with how to give their pet the best care so it’s nice to see their confidence grow as they take on our advice.

Have you ever worked with exotic animals?

I’ve worked with a variety over the years ranging from a degu to a snake that needed to be treated for shock. I’ve done x-rays on terrapins and tortoises as well as assisting vets/managing general anaesthetics with lump removals on rats and even a hamster pyo! At home I have 2 chinchillas but in the past have owned a tropical frog (that sang) and even some Oscar cichlid fish.

I’m also a fully qualified marine mammal medic via the British Divers Marine Life Rescue which means I could be called out to assist with a stranded whale, dolphin or seal at any time!