Pet of the Month! Ace!

Ace is a 6 month old domestic short hair cat that we have been seeing in practice since he was 11 weeks old for his kitten vaccinations. Ace came to us mid October with a possible foreign body after suffering with severe sickness & diarrhoea. Following X-Rays he had exploratory laparotomy surgery and James found he had a twisted intestine which was causing unexpected inflammation.

During his recovery period whilst he was improving he was still struggling to gain weight. Ace required a high level of support to get him back on track and he was hospitalised with us on numerous days. His owners worked alongside the clinical team who planned out a feeding schedule along with a special diet with a view to improving his dietary issues and helping increase his weight.

Ace was a complicated case in the sense that when his food intake was increased he often became sick with it which required his ‘plans’ to be reviewed on quite a regular basis. Over the course of 10 days Ace’s weight had dipped from 1.9kg to 1.67kg but on his last visit to us on 13th November his recorded weight had increased to 2.55kg! We are pleased to report he has gained both weight & muscle and his owners are much more confident with caring for him! Ace’s owners have him on a Bronze Wellness Subscription which have helped throughout the process as it gave them unlimited access to our nurse consultations.

We asked Ace’s owner a few questions about Ace.

1.      What is Ace’s favourite thing to do?

Ace loves to play like most kittens his age.

2.    What do you enjoy about Ace?

Ace is funny, very playful and he makes us happy.

3.     What changes did you notice in Ace that made you bring him to see a vet?

Ace started vomiting, had diarrhoea and was very sleepy. He didn’t seem to be putting on any weight.

4.     Did you look further into his condition or symptoms online?

No, we knew he wasn’t well so bought him straight to see the vet.

5. What advice would you give to other if they are concerned about their pet?

The team at James Horner Vets were very helpful and made Ace better, so if you are worried get your pet in to see a vet!